Know about the plaque in detail!

What is meant by plaque?

One of the common dental words you frequently hear while visiting the dentist’s office is plaque. When you do not brush your teeth for a while, there are chances of plaque formation. The oral hygienist explains ways to combat plaque with particular flossing techniques and your toothbrush. Most people connect plaque as the ambiguous feeling on their teeth. Some get confused and do not know how it looks and what happens on the teeth. Plaque is the worst enemy of the teeth. It results in various dental diseases and affects overall health when you do not maintain oral hygiene.

 There are various terms for plaque-like dental biofilm, microbial plaque, tooth plaque, or dental plaque. It is a sticky substance that develops on the teeth’s surface. The biofilm with be slightly yellow or colorless and continuously develops from the grouping of fluids, foods, and saliva in the mouth, and also bacteria formation those food substances develop.

Millions of bacteria assemble, suckling the sugars that remain from the meals at each deposit. The plaque begins to develop on the teeth after four to twelve hours of brushing and accumulates near the gum line and between the teeth.

Why is the issue caused due to plaque?

Plaque is a naturally developing substance, and it is not harmless. The bacteria that settles on the teeth excrete acid as a discarded product, combining with the plaque. It can cause several general and oral health issues, especially when you do not do flossing or brushing. Some of the problems caused by plaque include:

·         Bad breath:

The food particles and bacteria in plaque results in bad breath, mainly when they have been settled there for a long time.

·         Tooth discoloration:

Removing plaque should be your priority when you do not have beautiful and shining teeth. The plaque is yellow, and tartar would be brown or yellow. The development of any of these materials can make the teeth appear chronically dirty.

·         Tooth decay:

When the tooth’s enamel is degraded, the acid can consume the tooth, creating a cavity or hole in the tooth’s surface.

Other issues include general disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, tartar buildup, and enamel degradation.

Tips to prevent plaque!

Do not smoke: Several studies have proved that people with cigarette smoking habits or who use tobacco products or cigars have high chances of plaque formation and tartar.

Maintain a balanced diet: As the bacteria eat simple sugars from carbohydrates and candy, it is recommended to consume a healthy balanced diet. This way, you can easily keep your teeth safe and guard against plaque. Consume foods rich in vegetables and restricted in sugars and starchy carbs. 

Thus, the bacteria formation will be less, and you can avoid plaque growth.  Remember, though you follow a balanced diet, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene practices. It helps in preventing tartar and plaque from developing as quickly. Also, utilize dental sealants as it helps in forming or breaking down cavities.

Lighting Up Your Face With A Smile

Designing A Smile 

You face, and the smile will speak volumes about your feelings and life in general. Your face and smile are what others see and form an impression. The first impression is the best, and you can win anyone’s heart with a winning smile. But, is your smile up to the mark? Can your smile brighten up your face to show confidence?  Not everyone has the perfect smile, and this includes even the celebrities. So, how can we perfect our smile? The answer lies in cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is all about designing your smile to give subtle transformations to perfect your smile. There are a few procedures that will help give you a radiant smile all through your life. Let us take a look at some of the cosmetic dental procedures. 

Cosmetic Dentistry For Smile Correction

Teeth whitening, dental bonding and Invisalign are the cosmetic dental procedures used to correct your smile. Teeth whitening will brighten up your smile and removes almost decades of ageing from your teeth and smile. It does not take more than an hour to complete this procedure. It is the best solution to get a beautiful white smile. The latest technology in dental care helps you get a whiter smile in no time. The shapes of your teeth also define your smile. Dental bonding is the perfect solution to reshape your teeth. It is an ideal solution to resolve chipped teeth and gaps in the teeth. 

A filling can only be a temporary solution. For dental bonding, dentists use quality materials to ensure you get a natural and beautiful smile back. The result will be excellent, and it will help you get the best and confident smile back on your face. Invisalign are aligned that straighten your teeth. It comprises a clear aligner that can realign your teeth. They are invisible and can help you transform your smile in no time than what you had in mind. It is much more comfortable than wires and braces. You can eat your favourite food and drink without worrying about any kind of interruptions. It lasts longer than braces, and it will help you get your smile back. Cosmetic corrections are the best solution to transform your smile without much effort. You will only have to spend a few hours at the dental clinic. 

How To Get More Information About Cosmetic Dentistry?

Before you venture for a cosmetic correction, find more about the procedure and the cosmetic surgeon from your general dentists. You should also learn about the different options you have to correct your issue. There are a wide variety of procedures available at dental clinics. You will have to research using the websites, feedback and review comments given by the patients. After all, it is about your smile, and you need to ensure that it is with the right smile.

Taking Kids To The Dentist

Many parents think that they can take their children to the dentist when there is a problem with their teeth. Dentists recommend that the child has his/her first dental visit within six months after the first tooth erupts. In the first visit, the goal should be to build trust by familiarising the kid with the dentist's environment. After establishing trust, the dentist can look for problems that may affect teeth growth. Finding a kid-friendly dental hospital in Medavakkam and starting a life-long healthy dental hygiene is utterly important for your child. Here are some ways to educate the child and prepare them for their first dental visit.

Explain About What The Dentist Does

Explain to the kids the importance of having dental hygiene and how dentists can help them take care of their teeth. Make them understand that the dentist checks their teeth and gums to see if they are growing properly. Talk to them about the things available in the dentist's office, like the chair and the giant flashlight. 

Cleaning The Teeth

The dental hygienist is the first person the child meets at the dentist's office. The dental hygienist will clean and polish your kid's teeth before the dentist can see them. The hygienist uses a special toothbrush to remove the plaque that forms on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky layer that grows on the teeth and acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. If the plaque is not removed from the teeth, it may affect the teeth and cause tooth decay. Explain how some food particles may get between the teeth and how flossing can help remove those using a string. The hygienist can show the kid how to do flossing.

Dental X-Rays

The hygienist takes a picture of the teeth using X-Rays. When not cleaned properly, some of the teeth might become rotten or decayed. This decomposing of teeth is called a cavity. The X-Rays help the dentist to check if any teeth have cavities. Taking an X-Ray only takes a few seconds. The hygienist will place a thick blanket on the chest to protect it from the rays and put a piece of plastic in the kid's mouth. The kid will be asked to bite down on the plastic and stay still for a few seconds to capture the X-Ray.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a chemical that helps keep the teeth stronger and protects them from cavities. The hygienist will apply a fluoride toothpaste to the kid's teeth. This gel comes in different flavours, and the kid cannot eat or drink anything for the next half an hour.

Meeting the dentist

Once the hygienist is done cleaning and polishing the teeth, the dentist will come and check for cavities and tooth growth. The dentist will also check the kid's bite to see how the top and bottom teeth work together. The bite analysis helps the dentist look for teeth misalignment. The dentist can then provide proactive corrective measures for your child. Once the checkup is done, the dentist will usually give a free toothbrush as a gift to the kid.

4 Squares Dentistry

Full mouth rehabilitation with 6 dental implants and fixed denture